Tuesday, March 31, 2015



Today was pretty nice!! 

I ate curry puff for breakfast. No not old Chang Kee's. I bought my curry puffs from this malay auntie and I love those kinda curry puffs. One for $0.50!!! Only!!!! But of course it's only curry potato lol I don't mind at all.

Then I reached work at 815 which is a feat because normally I reach work at 830 if it's by bus :(( 

Then Myo bought for me bean curd n_n that's so nice of her. 

Then I worked OT for 2 hours. 

Oh and I took a taxi home. I thought about using the grab taxi app but thinking about the additional charges turns me off so much. So I decided to walk to the main road to flag a taxi and just as I was walking out I saw two taxis!!!!!! I immediately flagged and the second taxi stopped. 

The uncle was so nice. For some reason we chatted and he wasn't a creep! Just a rather good conversationalist. He told me about letting his wife drive and how she passed her driving test, and encouraged me to get my dad to allow my mom to drive his car (I know that will never happen hahah). During the ride my grandpa called me to ask me about my whereabouts.. The driver thought I was the only grandchild lol because normally eliciting such concern from grandparents come from the only grandchild. 
Hmm what else did we talk about. Oh he spoke about how two of his taxi driver friends died due to heart attack... And they were pretty young.. 49 & 52 :/ I hope this uncle stays safe.
He also told me about crazy drunk Caucasians threatening to stab him. Did u know that taxis have an SOS button???? I never knew that and I was so relieved when he told me that existed. Within 5 minutes his fellow taxi comrades came to his rescue and the police came down too LOLOLO 

And I said bye. Oh remind me to claim the taxi fare. It's $17!!! 

After a quick dinner I went to see the doctor. The clinic I usually frequented wasn't open!!! Bummer. I went to the one beside and the receptionist has super nice handwriting. I told her that before I left. Hope I didn't come across as as creep.

The doctor... She seemed to be evaluating me. With every thing I say. When I said something that agrees with her she would say yes yes. Hmm for instance when I said I don't need fever medicine as panadol is sufficient she went yes. Then when I said I don't need cough syrup as lozenges would be sufficient she went yes yes. I'm like ok wat lol 

Ok bye gotta shower 

//end diary// 

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