Saturday, January 2, 2016


In 2015 I..

1) Got my first ever job.
I was an administrative assistant for almost 7 months, from the start of January to mid July. For the first time ever, I felt happiness when I saw the company's bank statement denoting payroll aka pay is coming the next day!! For the first time ever I realised I have horrible people and EQ skills. I didn't enjoy my time there because I was, towards the end, being a little bitch. But anyway I am very thankful for all the people I've met there, and also how nice everyone was.  I've also realised that Yvonne didn't take me seriously towards the end because she found out that she was dealing with a 19 year old lmao.

2) Received my horrible A level results.
But then I also think they aren't particularly horrible. I am thankful because despite having problems studying, I didn't get horrid grades so yey!!

3) Fought with Brandon a lot.
Like a lot. Over very stupid things

4) Had zero self control over my spending..
I basically spent like money = water this entire year. I just checked my bank account statements.. I spent $707 in September. I have no fucking idea what happened.

5) Made lots of new friends.
Joined 2 (!!!) orientation camps and met lots of new people. Never knew people could be so different. I also joined street jazz and orientation week committee, meeting lots of new people in the process. Looking back, perhaps this year I really tried getting outta my comfort zone!

6) Felt like I couldn't keep up
This is the first year where I felt that I had way too many groups of friends. Which was slightly weird/ uncomfortable because I dont have a clique but I have many friends. Do u geddit. Like it is much easier to catch up with more people if you are in a big clique but I have many different individuals I love all the same and I feel like I can't be there for everyone. Which bugged me a lot. But I'm still trying my best.

7) Got my first ever macbook pro
Which was weird because I've only been a PC user EVER. I remember the first time when I saw a macbook up close. It was Jerrold's and I was thinking, how the heck do u use this thing. But I decided to get a mac because everyone was saying the macbook can last for over 4 years and im like !!!!!
But it was a let down at first because of the faulty screen! Thank goodness it was able to be fixed though. So far it's a lovely piece of technology. It is fast and nice but the only qualm is it gets hot very fast when I watch videos and that's concerning tbh :(

8) Ignored this space for very long

9) Went clubbing for the first time ever
It was fun and stupid and Sangee got molested which I am still very angry till today!! Hence now I am a male hater lmao Boys are gross.

10) Got 1k notes on tumblr

11) Lost a friend
But I don't miss her at all because we have become so different after she entered university.


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